The excitement of owning a new home is immense, but it's important to remember that just because it's new doesn't necessarily mean that everything is perfect.
Before finalizing the purchase, why don't you ask a professional inspector to accompany you during the pre-acceptance building inspection to ensure the house complies with all applicable building codes?
The purpose of a pre-acceptance inspection is to ensure that everything specified in the contract meets expectations before formally accepting the work. In this way, it helps to guarantee customer satisfaction, compliance with standards and the overall quality of the work.
Do I need to be accompanied during my pre-acceptance visit?
Upon this visit, depending on the type of building you're buying, you'll have to fill in a pre-established document usually supplied by the contractor. It must be approved by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec*. This document lists items you'll need to check and approve.
When a new home (condo, single-family home, or plex) is covered by a warranty plan, the builder and buyer are required to carry out a joint inspection of the property and complete the warranty plan manager's form.
Although this list is elaborate, it may not encompass some significant points, given that the aim of the inspection is to check all the visible systems and components of the building to identify any work to be finalized, any apparent faults or defects, and any items to be corrected by your contractor. Don't forget that building a home is a project that involves a lot of people.
Why a building inspector?
It should be noted that this inspection must be carried out in compliance with the various building, plumbing and electrical codes in force, as well as the manufacturers' installation manuals.
If you feel overwhelmed or if your enthusiasm is likely to impair your judgement, you can, and this is recommended, be accompanied by an experienced third party or a competent professional of your own.
You can find an example of the forms available on the following websites: